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Should You Install Windows and Siding at the Same Time?

May 31, 2023

Should You Install Windows and Siding at the Same Time?

If you’re thinking about installing new windows and new siding, it’s natural to be unsure of where to start or if you should even tackle both projects at the same time. If you’re struggling to decide if you should take on your windows and siding project at the same time, read these tips first for some insight.

What type of window install are you doing?

This question matters because if you’re doing a new construction install, the siding will have to be removed anyway, so it would be a good time to address the new siding and install it immediately after the window install.

If just a replacement, then your siding might not have to be touched. At this point, if you’re stuck between redoing your siding or windows first, you should go with whichever is causing the most damage at the moment.

If you’re replacing your windows because they are a bit drafty and we’re closing in on winter, your windows could take the priority. At the same time, if you have moisture trapped under your stucco siding, eating away at the structural integrity of your home, that might be your priority.

Does your budget allow for both projects to occur simultaneously?

Unfortunately, sometimes whether or not you take on your siding and windows at the same time simply comes down to your budget. If you use a reputable company and good materials, once you bang it out, you won’t have to worry about the cost of a new replacement for decades to come.

It’s not a bad thing to start with one project and work from there when you’re ready. You can go even further to breaking up your window installation room by room if that helps. It’s always a good idea to focus on rooms that you spend the most time in; bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, etc.

To conclude

When it comes down to it, installing windows and siding is a costly venture and you definitely don’t want to rush into anything you’re not ready for.

For an absolutely free estimate on siding and windows for your home, give us a call today.

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