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4 tips for a low maintenance home with long-term savings

May 31, 2023

4 tips for a low maintenance home with long-term savings

Metal roofing has long been considered a must for homeowners looking for a low maintenance way to keep costs down around the home. Asphalt roofing needs to be replaced at least every 20 years, which makes it a limited-time-only investment. Metal roofing lasts far longer. But while you can count on Metal Roof NJ

to offer you long-term savings on your home’s roof, where else can a little preemptive planning and do-it-yourself elbow grease pay off? Consider these four tips, starting with standing seam roofs.

1. The most efficient metal option
Any metal roof contractor can sing the praises of standing seam roofs all day. They offer premium energy savings by deflecting sunlight rather than absorbing it into the home, meaning you save on energy bills and stay comfortably cool during the summer in the process. But standing seam metal roofing also looks great. In fact, it’s ideal for a range of homes, from the historic to contemporary. It’ll fit seamlessly into any neighborhood, too. Plus, you can choose from several kinds of building materials, depending on what you’re looking for.

Galvalume is steel coated with 55 percent aluminum, 45 percent zinc alloy and a Kynar coating finish that will not reflect sunlight but keep colors fresh and unfaded for 35 years. It’s a great combination of metals, since it resists rust and corrosion. Of course, going with full aluminum standing seam roofing guarantees that your product won’t ever rust, rot or corrode, even if you’re sitting on oceanfront property!

2. The advantages of the off season
The personal finance blog MoneyNing has a great list of simple forward-thinking home maintenance tips, most of which you can take on yourself. One of the best is to double check offseason products and appliances when they’re not in use. For instance, don’t wait until late October to give your furnace a once over. The same goes for the air conditioning. Waiting until the last minute could cost emergency repair fees with the HVAC guy that could be avoided with early planning.

3. A home maintenance fund
Planning for expenses is one of the best ways to reduce them! Create a budget for your yearly maintenance along with a schedule. As the news source pointed out, this is especially handy for helping yourself recognize ahead of time how much cash you have on hand to pay professionals as opposed to tackling things on your own. Trying to take on a complex project at the last minute because professional help isn’t in the budget can lead to accidents or further costs.

4. The regular energy audit
You’re already saving on energy fees thanks to a smart roofing investment in standing seam, but it doesn’t hurt to get an energy audit every so often. This will give you a glimpse into exactly where all that electricity goes, allowing you to create a strategy for cutting down. It can also help find the drafts, cracks and other tiny issues around your home that need sealing up.

Metal Roofing News brought to you by Global Home Improvement, the Tri-State’s Leading Home Remodeler. For your Free Estimate call 1-215-953-5151 today!

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