3 Benefits of Switching to a Metal Roof
May 31, 20233 Benefits of Switching to a Metal Roof
There are many roofing materials on the market — so many that it makes a homeowner’s head spin just thinking about them. However, because every home depends on the roof for safety, comfort and design, no homeowner is willing to invest a chunk of their money into an unreliable roofing material. When you think about roofing materials, think metal! Metal roofs are most often recommended for their longevity, energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.
Last for a Lifetime
A metal roof is known to last at least 2 to 3 times longer than a regular roof such as a asphalt roof. Made of strong, but malleable materials, metal can resist elements and winds with uncompromising durability. Metal roofs do not discolor, crack, chip or wear overtime. While Metal Roofing Alliance reports that an asphalt roof typically “requires re-roofing every 12 to 20 years, with the average age of roofing replaced in the U.S. being only 17 years,” the average lifespan of a metal roof can easily reach 50, more if you take time to maintain its functionality. With a metal roof living that long, it’s no surprise that most roofing contractors offer a 50-year warranty to safeguard your investment in case something dramatic happens along the way.
Super Energy Savings
Utility bills are rising across the United States. According to Energy.gov, your home’s heating and cooling system contributes to about 48% of your utility bill. The U.S. Department of Energy also finds that Americans are spending more than $22 billion a year and using more than 183 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity on air conditioning alone. Thankfully, choosing a metal roof can reduce your energy expenditure by at least 20%. Metal demonstrates high solar reflectivity and thermal emissivity so incoming solar heat is never absorbed, but reflected right back out.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also reports a metal roof’s energy efficient properties can help it “absorb less heat and stay up to 50–60°F (28–33°C) cooler than conventional materials during peak summer weather.”
Aesthetically Pleasant
Along with these attractive benefits, metal roofs also satisfy homeowners’ passion for design with a generous selection of customization options. Not only can metal roofs be painted in a variety of colors, you can also create special textures to emulate the look of other popular roofing materials. When it comes to beautifying your metal roof and streamlining the exterior charisma of your home, metal roofs have everything covered. Although requiring slightly more in its upfront investment, the effortless upkeep, longevity and energy-saving benefits altogether make metal roofs an economical choice for every homeowner.
Metal Roofs Offer More than You Dream
However, the benefits of metal roofs do not stop here. In case you end up selling your home in the future, you will be pleased to find that your metal roof will increase the resale value of your home by 1 to 6 percent. Home Guides also reports that homeowners on average recoup around 85.9% of their metal roof investment. Meanwhile, homeowners living in the eastern region enjoy the average recoup percentage of 95.5 for their homes’ metal roof. No matter how you look at it, metal roofs are indeed a faithful roofing material that will serve you well for years to come. So forget about asphalt shingles, and let’s go metal all the way!