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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Gutters This Fall

May 31, 2023

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Gutters This Fall

Leaves in rain gutter.

When is the last time you took a close look at your gutters? Cleaning and maintaining your gutters is one of those jobs that easily falls through the crack. Although often overlooked and put off to the very last minute, gutter maintenance is an inevitable chore no homeowner can avoid. Because the longevity and functionality of gutters depends on the care it receives, there are a few things you can do to maintain your gutters this fall.

Tip #1: Gutter Cleaning: Make It As New As Before

Gutters are subject to collecting debris, windblown elements, and other interesting stuff that do not normally cross your mind. Located far off the ground, gutters accumulate many elements and natural junk as it faithfully diverts water from your home’s exterior and foundation walls every rainy day. Over time, however, your gutter may become clogged and lose its functionality. The mild weather in fall offers the perfect opportunity for you to tackle the task and avoid a dysfunctional gutter system when the ruthless winter rain, snow, and hailstorm make their battle cry.

Tip #2: Gutter Washing: Give It a Nice Shower

You’ve probably been warned about not using a hose for your gutter cleaning job. The truth is you should never use a hose to clean your gutter unless you have handpicked, shoveled, scooped, and removed the elements beforehand. Using a hose to flush down debris — such as twigs, leaves, and other decomposed elements — without removing them will cause the downspout to clog, creating more works and cleaning tasks for you. For a seamless gutter cleaning process, take some time to personally remove everything from the gutter.

Tip #3: Gutter Repair: Fix All Infirmities

After you have cleaned the gutter and removed most of the major debris, feel free to flush down what remains using your convenient garden hose. To clean the downspout, we recommend you to turn on the hose to full blast and thread it into the drain opening for maximum effect. Once done, check carefully for cracks between seams. Small water pools found in your gutter also suggest that there are dents or low spots in your draining system. Adjust your gutter’s position so water can run smoothly down a vertical slope without hindrance.

Tip #4: Gutter Replacement: Time for Retirement

Usually, the common gutter problems of clogging, rusting, chipping, cracking, and so forth can be easily and affordably treated by hiring a professional roofing and gutter cleaning contractor. There are times, however, when other complications make caulking, patching, and all repair options nearly impossible. If your gutter has seen at least three decades of service, then you can possibly consider its retirement if leakage, clogging, and standing water are continually found in your gutter after a comprehensive cleaning and repair job.

Tip #5: Gutter Tips: A Few More Helpful Words
While a thorough gutter cleaning should take place every spring and fall, there are steps you can take throughout the year to maintain your gutter. For example, checking your home’s exterior for water trails can give clues to even the smallest leak, effectively stopping the problem before it gets too big (and costly). Additionally, tools like the innovative gutter protection system and the powerful micro gutter guard are known for keeping tiny debris like pine needles out of your gutter so water can be diverted safely away from your precious home.

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