Roof Replacement Case Studies: 5 reasons to steer clear of asphalt roofs
Asphalt shingles have been a popular choice for homeowners for decades. In fact, they’ve been around since the 20’s, so it’s easy to feel like they are the reliable choice. Unfortunately, this is another case where the price reflects the quality.
Let’s talk about what you can expect from their life expectancy and what problems you might face choosing asphalt shingles over an alternative like metal roofing.
Aesthetics wear and tear
It’s not uncommon to see your asphalt shingles blister, curl, crack prematurely, etc. This could be the result of poor manufacturing, natural weathering, excess winds, or even just age. Regardless, it creates an eyesore on your home that could easily be avoided.
Each option has a lifespan and a point where you’ll start to see wearing eventually. Typically, asphalt shingles will last about 15 to 18 years. That’s a long time if you’re looking to redo your roof, but compared to the 50-year lifespan of metal shingle roofing or metal slate roofing, the value might not be up to par.
Heat absorption
Asphalt shingles have the tendency to absorb more heat than metal and tile options. This heat pierces into the structure and can boost indoor temperature.
Today’s asphalt roofs actually contain a lot less asphalt and more filler materials like limestone because it’s cheaper. This makes the shingle porous, so it can absorb water and gives bacteria and algae a place to grow continuously. This can be power washed away or cleaned with chemicals, but too much of that will also cause damage to your roof.
This is a big reason we recommend metal shingle roofing. The shingles aren’t porous so they won’t grow that unappealing algae.
One of the major problems with asphalt shingles is the installation process. In essence, your putting thousands of nails into a roof that’s not made to last very long to begin with.
If even just a little water is able to travel through one of those holes, you can face some serious water damage.
When you think of the purpose of a roof, it’s to protect your home. It’s tough to justify asphalt shingles when they crack, bend, and curl after just a few years of winter and summer weather. Plus the lifespan is nothing compared to metal roofing, so you’ll always have to worry about redoing it in 15 or 20 years.
For a free metal roof installation estimate, click here.