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Global Home Improvement Before & After Photos

Replacing Old Vinyl Windows with Marvin Infinity Fiberglass Windows in Keyport, NJ


We replaced this Keyport, NJ home's existing vinyl double hung windows with ultra-durable fiberglass. The before photo gives you a look at the bulky, unattractive frame of these older vinyl windows. The fiberglass came with a sleek, new look with a modern touch. The overall white interior style is the same, but the stronger fiberglass frame allows for more glass real estate with an increase in durability and energy efficiency.

Marvin Infinity Window Replacement for Bay Window in Howell, NJ


For this window replacement in Howell, NJ we replaced the existing Anderson windows with Marvin Infinity. These homeowners were actually displeased with all 14 of their Anderson windows. The Marvin Infinity fiberglass window was the ideal choice for this home for several reasons. The stronger, more durable fiberglass material can carry more glass with a thinner profile, so you can see in the pictures how much more light can come through with Marvin. The fiberglass frame is also resistant to expanding and contracting with hot and cold weather, so you won't see them crack and warp like you would with wood or vinyl. 

Replacing Vinyl Windows with Infinity Fiberglass, Installing New Entry Door in Little Falls, NJ


Vinyl windows, like those on this home in Little Falls, NJ, have the tendency to expand, contract, and crack which leads to drafts. That's why these homeowners replaced their vinyl windows with Marvin Infinity fiberglass windows. The new fiberglass frame naturally resists those problems you see with vinyl when exposed to hot and cold weather, meaning long-term performance and energy efficiency.

Marvin Infinity Bay Window with Casement Windows Replacement in Glen Ridge, NJ


This bay window replacement in Glen Ridge, NJ features Marvin Infinity fiberglass casement windows. The existing bay window had a crack form which let moisture in, which could have led to a lot of damage to the window. The fiberglass frame that Marvin offers is much more durable so it resists warping and cracking which could lead to air and moisture infiltration. The casement windows also optimize air flow for the room and feature SDLs for a boost to the home's aesthetics and curb appeal.

Updating Wood Windows to Marvin Ultimate Windows with Bare Pine Interior in Glen Ridge, NJ


Older wood windows like those on this Glen Ridge, NJ home tend to swell with moisture and weather changes, making them difficult to operate, drafty, and can cause cracks. The Marvin Ultimate windows we installed have an extruded aluminum exterior for maximum durability and resistance and total customizability to contribute to your home's color palette. The homeowners also chose a Bare Pine interior finish to lighten up and modernize the wood look of these windows. 

Replacing Wood Windows with Marvin Infinity Casement and Picture Bay in Holmdel, NJ


The focus on this Infinity window replacement in Holmdel, NJ was on energy efficiency and durability. These homeowners swapped the double hungs out for casements, allowing for more glass space, lighting, and airflow. The fiberglass frame also resists warping, cracking, and rotting much more efficiently than wood or vinyl, so these windows will last for the long run. 

Marvin Infinity Double Hung Window Installation with New Trim on Nutley, NJ Home


The before and after shows the new Marvin Infinity windows we installed on this Nutley, NJ home with blue trim to match it's new metal roof. Infinity fiberglass windows are sleek, modern, durable, and energy-efficient, making them the perfect window replacement. They won't warp, crack, or tor like wood or vinyl, and will last decades. 

Replacing Vinyl Double Hung Window with Marvin Infinity Fiberglass Double Hung in North Arlington, NJ


We replaced this North Arlington, NJ home's older vinyl windows with Marvin Infinity fiberglass. This before and after shows the two and their similar look, but the upgrade comes with several advantages to durability, energy efficiency, and ease of use. Marvin Windows are easy to clean, won't warp or crack like vinyl, and they last for decades providing top-tier performance.

Marvin Fiberglass Windows Installation in Midland Park, NJ


This sunroom had old outdated windows and was in need of a modern upgrade. That is why these homeowners in Midland Park chose Global to install Marvin Fiberglass Windows featuring an ultra durable and long lasting frame made of Ultrex Fiberglass. Furthermore, Marvin Fiberglass windows come in large custom sizes which allowed us to use custom made glider windows to save on cost since we could fit one window into a three window opening!

Replacing Sunroom's Wooden Double Hung Windows with Marvin Infinity Fiberglass Windows in Ridgewood, NJ


For this sunroom's window replacement in Ridgewood, NJ, we installed Marvin Infinity fiberglass windows with a white interior to match the previous wood windows. With an almost identical look and style, the real differences lie with performance. Fiberglass won't warp, crack, or rot like wood does. This means this sunroom will see a significant boost to energy efficiency as well as window lifespan. 

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