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5 Clear Signs Your Home’s Siding Needs to be Replaced

May 31, 2023

5 Clear Signs Your Home’s Siding Needs to be Replaced


One of the biggest advantages of siding is its durability and longevity. But nothing lasts forever, and after years or even decades of standing up to rain, sleet, snow, debris, and glaring sunshine your siding is going to wear out. Once it does it will not provide the looks or protection that you depend on it to. Watch out for these five clear signs that your home’s siding need to be replaced:

Repainting Your Siding Regularly

Another big advantage of siding is its ability to hold and protect paint. Quality siding covered in high-quality paint can last 15-20 years. If it has been less time than that since you last repainted but your paint is already peeling, chipping, and fading it’s a sign of an underlying problem. Rather than taking on the major hassle of repainting every five years, it’s time to consider replacing the siding underneath that paint.

Increase in Energy Costs

Quality siding insulates your home so that valuable HVAC stays inside and harsh temperatures stay outside. If your heating and energy bills suddenly start to climb upwards, it could mean that your siding is worn out. The roof or windows could also be the culprit, but the siding should be inspected even if you identify problems in other areas. Ask your gas and electric companies to provide you with year-to-year comparisons to quickly spot changes in your bill.

Visible Damage in Your Home

Siding is tough, but it’s not invincible. Exposure to the elements can cause it to warp over time. Blowing debris or accidents in your yard can also bend it out of shape or cause sections to become cracked or chipped. Not only is this damage unsightly, it prevents your siding from adequately protecting your home. A visual inspection around the perimeter or your home should quickly reveal any problems.

Clear Signs Siding is Failing

The whole point of siding is to protect the inside of your home from the elements. If it is no longer doing its job you will notice cold spots during the winter, water damage that was not there before, or mold and mildew creeping up your interior walls. It is important to address these issues immediately because the longer they last the more expensive they are to fix. Your home will also become progressively less comfortable and less sanitary. At the first sign of problems, check the corresponding siding on the outside of the home.

Boosting Curb Appeal

Siding replacement is not always necessary when you sell your home, but it can be a big asset. Homes with new siding automatically get a boost in curb appeal. Plus, buyers will pay more if they know that siding is new, free of problems, and designed to provide as much protection as possible from the outdoors. When you plan to sell or are struggling to sell, replacing your siding is a relatively quick and inexpensive way to upgrade the whole home.

If you have decided that your old siding has to go, the next step is to find the right replacement material and the right team to install it. Spend some time vetting various contractors to ensure that your new siding delivers on all its promise.

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