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How Does a Metal Roof Measure Up Against a Shingle Roof?

May 31, 2023

How Does a Metal Roof Measure Up Against a Shingle Roof?

new metal roof, focus on a leaf

When it comes to replacing your roof, or choosing the right type of roof for your home, longevity, aesthetics, and reliability are among the top considerations for every homeowner. At the end of the day, any homeowner can ask for is a beautiful roof that will last. Yet at the same time, many are doing so at a limited budget, and quite ready to take advantage of any cost-saving deal that happen to cross their path. Metal roofs offer homeowners the perfect economic relief and energy efficiency they need — perhaps even more than their shingle roof counterpart.

Service Expectancy: Metal Outlives Shingles

“How long will my roof last?” is a common question asked by homeowners looking for a new roof. Most are seeking roof replacement because their existing roof has failed their home, and sometimes incurred costly consequences that compromise the comfort and aesthetics of their living space. When hunting for a new roof, a reliable roofing material that promises longevity will definitely catch a homeowner’s attention, and that’s exactly what a metal roof does. While a typical asphalt shingle roof begins to show signs of wear and deterioration at age 15 (20, if you spend much time and money in maintenance), a metal roof can last at least 2 to 3 times longer than a regular roof. If you do the math, this means that a metal roof (without the tedious upkeep) can easily live to 60 years and beyond.

Strength: Metal Overpowers Shingles

Metal roofs are malleable and demonstrate superior rigidity to persevere against heavy rain, hurricanes, hailstorms, flying debris, and high winds that travel up to 140 miles per hour. It does not suffer dent, and is definitely no louder than a typical asphalt shingle roof. Because metal roofs survive with very limited care on your part, most metal roofs also come with a 50-year warranty. Even if anything happens to your metal roof, you are still saving generously in your upkeep efforts.

Energy Efficiency: Metal is Greener

Metal roofs are also called “cool roofs” for their amazing ability to cool your home from top-down. Green Building Advisor concurred that “a cool metal roof can save 25% in energy costs compared to a dark grey asphalt shingle,” while others have found that the saving can be as generous as 40%! In a different study, researchers found metal roofs demonstrate high solar reflectivity and emissivity levels, enabling them to maintain approximately 95 percent of its reflexivity even in its pre-painted condition. If you switch to a white or lighter color, you will not only enjoy a 20% reduction in energy expenditure, but also a cooling effect that promises to make your home 50 to 60 degrees cooler than a conventional dark-colored roof.

Beauty that Lasts and Versatility that Makes You Sing

In recent years, metal roofs have become the popular and preferred roofing choice among homeowners for its longevity, durability, and energy efficiency. Along with these practical features, metal roofs offer you endless customization options so you can hand select your dream colors and texture to create the perfect feel you have always dreamed of.

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